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Abstract            Volume:12  Issue-5  Year-2024         Original Research Articles

Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorijcret@gmail.com

Single Cell Protein as an Alternative Protein Source in Broiler Diet - A Review
Chala Edea*
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Center, P.O. Box 32, Bishoftu
*Corresponding author

The constant expansion in the world's population leads to an increase in food demand. At the moment, animal protein production is insufficient to supply the world's needs due to challenges in feed quality and quantity. This situation gives place the need for urgent development of alternative and sustainable resources to satisfy this nutritional requirement. In the face of such worldwide issues, single cell proteins derived from the waste organic products is a very useful technology. The objectives of this review were to assess the feed value of single cell protein in broiler diet. Single cell protein microorganisms encompass a wide range of bacteria, marine microalgae, yeasts, and molds has numerous applications in the feed industry. To reduce the cost of protein feedstock for broiler feed, the use of single cell protein (SCP) produced from waste of animal agriculture is an interesting choice. Recent evidence suggests that addition of SCP to the diets of broiler chickens improved body weight and feed conversion efficiency. Many authors observed that higher carcass yield and dressing percentage in birds fed single cell protein containing diet as compared to control diet. Most of the publication reported there were no significant differences in most of gastrointestinal tract. Past research findings have shown that abdominal fat deposition tend to decrease in broiler with increasing level of SCP. According to some author reports the SCP decreases mortality rate. Many research reports found lower the population of salmonella and E. coli bacteria in broilers fed diet contained SCP compared with the control. Most scientific publications indicate that higher levels of SCP inclusion (10 % and higher) may be harmful to the broilers in terms of productive performance. Moreover, reviewed research works have shown that SCP attractive features as a nutrient supplement for broiler.

Keywords: Single cell protein, broiler diet, food insecure, protein deficit.
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How to cite this article:

Chala Edea. 2024. Single Cell Protein As An Alternative Protein Source In Broiler Diet - A Review.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 12(5): 84-90
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2024.1205.009
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