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INDEXED IN INDEX COPERNICUS - ICI Journals Master List 2016 - IJCRAR--ICV 2016: 81.15 For more details click here

Abstract            Volume:4  Issue-1  Year-2016         Original Research Articles

Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorijcret@gmail.com

Studying the Interaction between the CME Magnetic Field and Jupiters Magnetic Field by Simulation
Wafaa A.Zaki* and Zainab A. Ali
University of Kirkuk, College of Science, Department of Physics, Iraq
*Corresponding author

In this investigation a simulation of coronal mass ejections CMEs from the corona of the Sun until it reaches Jupiter has been presented, by taking CME of kind halo (360�) with high speed which are in the form of events that expected to be interacting with the magnetic field of Jupiter and this happen in the two steps; First, simulation by using the ideal magneto hydrodynamic MHD model for the CMEs itself from the beginning of their growth and spread in the interplanetary from the Sun until are reaches Jupiter; Second, simulation of the interaction between the magnetic field of Jupiter and CME has been achieved by using semi-relativistic MHD. All these approaches were held for the rising phase of solar cycle 24 specifically for the years 2011 and 2014. All data were derived from Large Angle and spectrometric Coronagraph Experiment (LASCO), which is one of the scientific systems in the spacecraft Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) that was located close lagrangain point L1 where the data related to Jupiter were derived from Voyager. The numerical model used in the present simulation was based on Leap-Frog method which is an explicit differential equation using Matlab program and it had been found that the different time stepping methods are Optimal. It had been concluded that the acceleration of the energetic particle not only in the interplanetary, but also in the location of the event in the corona of the sun, and it had been found that the event increased gradually with adopted years (2011 and 2014). Also the computational MHD is a dynamically evolving field and going beyond ideal MHD Creates a new algorithm where the energy conservation will be violated by a nonconservation MHD model which is non by semi-relativistic MHD model.

Keywords: Magnetohydrodynamic model: MHD, Numerical simulation, Coronal mass ejections: CME; Magnetosphere of Jupite
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How to cite this article:

Wafaa A. Zaki and Zainab A. Ali. 2016. Studying the Interaction between the CME Magnetic Field and Jupiters Magnetic Field by Simulation.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 4(1): 77-90
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2016.401.008
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