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Abstract            Volume:4  Issue-9  Year-2016         Original Research Articles

Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorijcret@gmail.com

Pemphigus vulgaris – Value of Diagnosis in Dental Setup
Anil Kumar Nagarajappa1, Divya Pandya1*, Neha Dwivedi1, Meenakshi Bhasin1 and
K.S. Ravi2
1Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Hitkarini Dental College and Hospital, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India  
2Department of Pedodontics, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia
*Corresponding author

Pemphigus is a group of potentially life-threatening autoimmune diseases characterized by cutaneous and/or mucosal blistering. Pemphigus vulgaris is the most common variant and is characterized by circulating IgG antibodies directed against desmoglein 3 with about half the patients also having desmoglein 1 autoantibodies. Involvement of the oral mucosa is common and in most cases precedes skin lesions. Most patients are initially misdiagnosed and improperly treated for months or even years. Dental professionals must be sufficiently familiar with the clinical manifestations of Pemphigus vulgaris to ensure early diagnosis and treatment, since this in turn determines the prognosis and course of the disease. Here we report a case series of 3 Pemphigus vulgaris cases with preceeding oral manifestations before skin lesions along with successful treatment with steroids as well as steroid sparing therapies.

Keywords: Autoantibodies, Autoimmune,Bullae, Corticosteroids.
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How to cite this article:

Anil Kumar Nagarajappa, Divya Pandya, Neha Dwivedi, Meenakshi Bhasin and K.S. Ravi. 2016. Pemphigus vulgaris – Value of Diagnosis in Dental Setup.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 4(9): 114-131
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2016.409.011
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