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Abstract            Volume:7  Issue-3  Year-2019         Original Research Articles

Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorijcret@gmail.com

Design of a Reactor for the Preparation of Disinfectants
Borja Danielita1, Pacheco Jairo2, Guano Jorge2 and Brito Hanníbal3*
1Teaching Researcher Faculty of Sciences,
2Collaborator Faculty of Sciences ESPOCH,
3Teacher Researcher Environmental Research and Development Group of ESPOCHGIADE)
*Corresponding author

The design of an automatic reactor for the elaboration of disinfectants was carried out, based on the identification of the process variables at the laboratory level, to determine the physical parameters of the sizing of the equipment, for which, the process variables were determined. laboratory level as: pH, temperature, density, viscosity, turbidity, consistency, foam level and residence time for the product, as well as: diameter, height, power, length of the agitator, diameter of the agitator and revolutions per minute for the team. With the design of the reactor, the process was simulated by producing a disinfectant with different characteristics (color, odor), of each sample, determining the density and viscosity for later, with these data proceed to calculate the power of the agitator, height and diameter of the reactor values thus obtained to compare them with the data of the equipment and validate the same with the components of agitation and mixing, demonstrating in this way that the equipment meets the design characteristics.

Keywords: Disinfectants, Variables, Process, Reactor, Automation, Design, Validation.
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How to cite this article:

Disinfectants, Variables, Process, Reactor, Automation, Design, Validation.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 7(3): 1-4
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2019.703.001
Copyright: This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.