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Abstract            Volume:7  Issue-9  Year-2019         Original Research Articles

Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorijcret@gmail.com

An Investigation in to the Practice of Teaching Listening Skill in Relation to Newly Designed Course: Gurumo Chachole Secondary School in Focus
Godana Menta Misebo
Department of English Language and Literature, Wolaita Sodo University, Sodo, Ethiopia
*Corresponding author

In this study an attempt was made to investigate the classroom listening comprehension teaching practices of Grade 10 teachers in relation to the new course book. The required data for the study were collected using content analysis, questionnaires and classroom observation. The contents of all the fourteen listening sections of the course book were analyzed using a checklist. Twelve Grade 10 English teachers from Gurumu Secondary Schools completed the questionnaire. To cross check the information given by the teachers, a similar questionnaire was administered to 100 students, and ninety-two responded to the items fully. Among the twelve subject teachers six randomly taken teachers were observed (each four times) to see how they actually presented the listening lessons. The findings of the content analysis and the teachers’ profile were used as background information for the further analysis of the findings of the study. Then, using frequency and percentage, descriptive analysis was employed to analyze the responses given to each item in the questionnaires and the findings of the classroom observation. The analysis revealed that there has been a mismatch between the teaching practices implemented by the teachers and the pedagogical procedures favored by the course designers for teaching the listening sections of the new course book. Though the teachers claimed that they have been using the Teacher’s Book, the students’ responses and the classroom observation results indicated lack of mismatch between what actually happened in the listening classes and what has been proposed in the Teacher’s Book. Accordingly, lack of parallel awareness-raising in-service training with the syllabus revision and the introduction of the new course books, essential equipment for presenting the listening lessons, and motivation and commitment on the part of the teachers appeared to be the major causes for the teachers’ failure to execute the suggested teaching approach and procedures. Finally, it has been recommended that in order to develop teachers’ awareness of the newly introduced communicative language teaching approach, officials at the Ministry of Education, school administrators, department heads and the teachers themselves should take responsibilities to organize practice-based in-service professional development programmes. Besides, school libraries and audiovisual centers should be equipped with current reference materials on language teaching methodology and equipment that are useful for teaching listening comprehension.

Keywords: Listening comprehension, Listening lesson content, Pre-teaching preparation and Teaching practices
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How to cite this article:

Godana Menta Misebo. 2019. An Investigation in to the Practice of Teaching Listening Skill in Relation to Newly Designed Course: Gurumo Chachole Secondary School in Focus.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 7(9): 11-22
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2019.709.003
Copyright: This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.