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Abstract            Volume:8  Issue-3  Year-2020         Original Research Articles

Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorijcret@gmail.com

Wound Healing Properties of Landolphia calabarica (Apocynaceae)
Judith Fifamin Ahounou Aïkpe1,2*, Ormorèse A. C. Gbaguidi Gbetin1, M. Fidèle Assogba2, Halil Omotola A. Fatoumbi1, Pierre Dansou1 and Joachim D. Gbenou2
1Unité de Recherches en Physiologie de l’Effort, Institut National de la Jeunesse de l’Education Physique et du Sport, Université d’Abomey Calavi, 01 BP : 169 Porto-Novo Bénin
2Laboratoire de Pharmacognosie et des Huiles Essentielles, Faculté des Sciences de la Santé,Faculté des Sciences et Techniques, Université d’Abomey Calavi, 01 BP 918 Cotonou, Bénin
*Corresponding author

Leaves of Landolphia calabarica are used traditionally in Benin to treat wounds. This survey aims to value the healing properties of Landolphia calabarica at Wistars rats. Analysis phytochimique, the content in total phenols and the cytotoxicity has been done on the aqueous extract of Landolphia calabarica leaves. The healing activity of Landolphia calabarica leaves is valued by the local application of the aqueous extract and the total powder on wounds misled in dorso-lumbar part of rats Wistars. The aqueous extract of Landolphia calabarica is not toxic and contains a strong rate of phenols. Screening phytochimique revealed some chemical compounds to healing and vascularisanteses properties. The value of the LC50 is 1,65 mL/mg and total phenols compounds are 286,33 ± 5,22 cent organ/mL. After eight (08) days of treatment, the wound percentage is 100% with the aqueous extract, compare to the reference (Betadine) and the total powder (respectively 85% and 89%). The healing is very meaningful with the aqueous extract of Landolphia calabarica compared to Betadine. These results justify the traditional use of this plant in the treatment of wounds.

Keywords: Landolphia calabarica, Aqueous extract, Wound, Treatment, Benin
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How to cite this article:

Judith Fifamin Ahounou Aïkpe, Ormorèse A. C. Gbaguidi Gbetin, M. Fidèle Assogba, Halil Omotola A. Fatoumbi, Pierre Dansou and Joachim D. Gbenou. 2020. Wound Healing Properties of Landolphia calabarica (Apocynaceae).Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 8(3): 58-64
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2020.803.007
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