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Abstract            Volume:9  Issue-10  Year-2021         Original Research Articles

Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorijcret@gmail.com

Effects of Cooking and Drying on Physico-Chemical Parameters of Aubergines (Solanum aethiopicum) during Conservation
Deffan Zranseu Ange Bénédicte1*, Deffan Kahndo Prudence2, Yapi Jocelyn Constant1, Masse Diomandé1 and Beugre Grah Avit Maxwell1
1Agrovalorization Laboratory, Jean Lorougnon Guédé University, BP 150 Daloa (Ivory Coast).
2Laboratory of Technology, National Center for Agricultural Research (CNRA), 01 BP 1740 Abidjan 01, Côte d’Ivoire
*Corresponding author

In tropical Africa, eggplant is one of the most widely cultivated and consumed fruit vegetables. Despite its very high consumption, marketing remains informal and its post-harvest conservation, a real problem due to the lack and / or high costs of processing. The present study aims to improve processing and preservation techniques. Specifically, this will involve determining the physicochemical properties of eggplant powders from two production techniques, including without cooking (F Aub S C) and with cooking (F Aub A C). The control consists of unprocessed eggplant (Aub N T). The flours were kept in jars for 12 weeks and each week the physicochemical characteristics were determined there. The results showed, the humidity level remains higher in Aub N T (97.42 ± 1.31%); the fat content is higher in F Aub S C (2.88 ± 0.12% DM); the differences between the mineral contents of F Aub S C and F Aub A C are not significant. The proteins show higher concentrations in the F Aub S C (16.11 ± 0.11% DM), as do the contents of total and reducing sugars. In the end, the most beneficial effects are produced by storing eggplant flour without cooking (Aub S C).

Keywords: Eggplant, Processing technique, Flour, Conservation.
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How to cite this article:

Deffan Zranseu Ange Bénédicte, Deffan Kahndo Prudence, Yapi Jocelyn Constant, Masse Diomandé and Beugre Grah Avit Maxwell. 2021. Effects of Cooking and Drying on Physico-Chemical Parameters of Aubergines (Solanum aethiopicum) during Conservation.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 9(10): 1-6
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2021.910.001
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