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Abstract            Volume:9  Issue-12  Year-2021         Original Research Articles

Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorijcret@gmail.com

Possible Experimental Mistakes in Field Crop Insect Pests’ Research; in the Case of Evaluation of Insecticides for the Control of Rice Stalk-Eyed Fly (Diopsis longicornis) under Rainfed Condition of Lowland Rice
Geteneh Mitku*, Muluadam Birhan and Desalegn Yalew
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Fogera national research and training center
*Corresponding author

The initial objective of the experiment was to evaluate insecticides for the control of rice stalk-eyed flies in Fogera district with two locations, within 3km distance apart from each other. Due to the low insect pest population presence within the current experimental site, it was difficult to collect the data for the initial objective of the experiment (insect population data for insecticides for the stalk-eyed fly control experiment). Hence, the objective of the initial experiment (evaluation insecticides for the control of rice stalk-eyed fly) was reformed to answer, the possible cause of the current field experiment failures (low stalk-eyed insect pest population presence within the experimental site). Most of the data were collected from literature, field experiments, and observation. From our observation, a possible cause for the current experiment failure (low insect pest population presence in the experimental site) perhaps due to the following factors, experimental site temperature, the current study site average monthly temperature in the study year (June to October) was 19.6-20.3oc, this temperature is lower than the stalk-eyed fly suitable temperature for its development. The second reason is perhaps the rice variety tolerance to stalk-eyed fly or preference. The other factor may be the ecological cause, from our field observation the stalked eyed fly was found more densely within the high water level with the rotten area, but the current experimental site was conducted with no more dirty water, this may be one reason for the low number of stalk-eyed fly population presence. The other possibility may be small number of experimental location with similar environmental condition. Before conducting applied research like the stalk-eyed fly control experiment, insect ecology preference (pure water, water with rotten material), insect suitable temperature, and other environmental parameters’ should be determined. It is also advised, the experiment should be conducted in a controlled environment, to avoid the above-motioned kinds of uncontrolled experimental error. It is also recommended that the experiment should be conducted with more experimental locations, which are found in different environmental conditions.

Keywords: Stalk-eyed fly, possible cause, ecology preference.
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How to cite this article:

Geteneh Mitku, Muluadam Birhan and Desalegn Yalew. 2021. Possible Experimental Mistakes in Field Crop Insect Pests’ Research; in the Case of Evaluation of Insecticides for the Control of Rice Stalk-Eyed Fly (Diopsis longicornis) under Rainfed Condition of Lowland Rice.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 9(12): 38-44
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2021.912.005
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