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Abstract            Volume:10  Issue-2  Year-2022         Original Research Articles

Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorijcret@gmail.com

Review on Innovative Irrigation Water-Saving Strategies to Improve Water and Yield Productivity of Onions
Belachew Muche, Demsew Bekele and Minybel Fentahun
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Fogera National Rice Research and Training Centre, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
*Corresponding author

 The global human population has exploded, and our natural resource base is declining. To feed these people, increased global food production, particularly in poorer countries, will undoubtedly be required. The main source of income for rural people in smallholder agriculture. Rainfall unpredictability and inconsistency are major challenges in rainfed agriculture, and smallholder farmers are particularly vulnerable to crop production. Irrigation is critical for agricultural output because it reduces rainfall variability and inconsistency. However, irrigation water is becoming a more precious resource around the world, and low water usage efficiency, combined with rising competition for water resources, is prompting growers to adopt novel irrigation and production strategies that conserve water. As a result, mulch and deficit irrigation are two extensively utilized water-saving solutions for improving the water productivity of crops grown in water-scarce areas. As a result, new ideas are needed to improve the efficiency with which limited water is used. Deficit irrigation and mulching methods could be used to make better and more efficient use of limited water supply. The efficient and cost-effective use of natural resources through low-cost solutions such as mulch and deficit irrigation are sensible and adaptive for maximizing crop yields while lowering production costs. In arid climates, combining mulch with appropriate deficit irrigation to raise crop yield and water productivity is an effective strategy to establish a good trade-off between water use and production, as well as improve water productivity. Deficit irrigation and mulching will become more important in locations where available water supplies limit agricultural production, to maximize the productivity of their limited water resources. Farmers, on the other hand, must carefully select irrigation systems and water-saving technology to maximize yield and water productivity, as well as play a key part in farm-level water management strategies, resulting in increased output per unit of water used in agriculture. Combination of deficit irrigation strategies with other practices like mulching, help to improve water productivity and minimize losses in yield or quality in vegetable crops

Keywords:  Deficit irrigation, mulch, water productivity, water scarcity, agriculture.
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How to cite this article:

Belachew Muche, Demsew Bekele and Minybel Fentahun. 2022. Review on Innovative Irrigation Water-Saving Strategies to Improve Water and Yield Productivity of Onions.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 10(2): 101-113
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2022.1002.011
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