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Abstract            Volume:10  Issue-3  Year-2022         Original Research Articles

Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorijcret@gmail.com

Impact of Modern Milk Processing Plant on Small-Scale Dairy Farming: Some Observations from Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
Neha Larzoo and Amit Kumar Basantaray*
Department of Economics, DhauladharParisar-II, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala-176215, India
*Corresponding author

Livestock sector within agriculture and Dairy sector within livestock sector has been experiencing tremendous growth in recent years in India and in Indian states where agriculture is the major sector. However, Indian dairy sector is being dominated by marginal and small farmers and they are still dependent on traditional routes for marketing of their milk. Therefore, the present study attempted to find out benefits that the dairy farmers are getting if they are linked to a modern milk processing plant. The study is based on 60 small-scale dairy farming households, selected randomly, from village Duttnagar, tehsil Rampur, Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. Analysis of survey data revealed that farmers linked to Duttnagar milk plant are performing better than the farmers who are selling their produce to nearby households. From the analysis of economics of dairy farming, the study found that both gross and net returns from dairy farming are significantly higher for farmers linked to the plant which further adds strength to the argument that small-scale dairy farmers need to be linked to modern marketing channels to make their dairy farming remunerative and sustainable.

Keywords: Small-Scale Dairy Farming; Modern Milk Processing Plant; Economics of Dairy Farming; Himachal Pradesh
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How to cite this article:

Neha Larzoo and Amit Kumar Basantaray. 2022. Impact of Modern Milk Processing Plant on Small-Scale Dairy Farming: Some Observations from Shimla, Himachal Pradesh.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 10(3): 15-21
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2022.1003.002
Copyright: This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.