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Abstract            Volume:10  Issue-4  Year-2022         Original Research Articles

Online ISSN : 2347 - 3215
Issues : 12 per year
Publisher : Excellent Publishers
Email : editorijcret@gmail.com

Effects of NPSB Blended and Urea Fertilizer Rates on Yield and Yield Components of Maize and Economic Productivity Under Andisols and Chernozemssoil Types
Melkamu Hordofa Sigaye*, Ashenafi Nigussei and Abreham Yacob
Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research Institute, Wondo Genet Agri. Research Center P. O. Box 198, Shashemane, Ethiopia
*Corresponding author

Site-specific fertilization is indispensable to boost agricultural productivity. The field experiments were conducted on Andisols and Chernozems to determine the optimum combination of NPS-B and Urea fertilizer rate. The treatments were: (150 kg ha-1 NPSB + 150 kg ha-1 Urea), (200 kg ha-1 NPSB + 150 kg ha-1 Urea), (250 kg ha-1 NPSB + 150 kg ha-1 Urea), (300 kg ha-1 NPSB + 150 kg ha-1 Urea), (150 kg ha-1 NPSB + 250 kg ha-1 Urea), (200 kg ha-1 NPSB + 250 kg ha-1 Urea), (250 kg ha-1 NPSB + 250 kg ha-1 Urea), (300 kg ha-1 NPSB + 250 kg ha-1 Urea), (150 kg ha-1 NPSB + 350 kg ha-1 Urea), (200 kg ha-1 NPSB + 350 kg ha-1 Urea), (250 kg ha-1 NPSB + 350 kg ha-1 Urea), (300 kg ha-1 NPSB + 350 kg ha-1 Urea), control and R NP (92 kg N 69 kg P2O5). The treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design and replicated three times. The application of 200 kg ha-1 NPS-B blended fertilizer plus 250 kg ha-1 Urea resulted in the highest aboveground biomass (16,839.0 kg ha-1) and grain yield (6545.3 kg ha-1) in Dore Bafano. The application of 200 kg ha-1 NPS-B blended fertilizer plus 250 kg ha-1 Urea at Meskan resulted in the highest aboveground biomass (15,113.9 kg ha-1) and grain yield (6495.6 kg ha-1). However, the unfertilized plots at both locations yielded the lowest values of above-ground biomass and grain yield. The application of 200 kg ha-1 NPSB blended fertilizer coupled with 250 kg ha-1 Urea yielded a maximum net benefit value of (82511.9 ETB ha-1) with a marginal rate of return of (14%). Similarly, the application of 200 kg ha-1 NPSB blended fertilizer + 250 kg ha-1 Urea at Meskan resulted in a higher net benefit of (81902.5 ETB ha-1) with a marginal rate of return of 40.6%. However, the minimum net benefit was recorded from the control plot at both locations. Therefore, the application of 200 kg ha-1 NPS-B blended fertilizer with 250 kg ha-1 Urea should be recommended for Meskan (Chernozemes) and Dore Bafano (Andisols).

Keywords: Grain yield, Maize, NPSB, and Urea fertilizers.
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How to cite this article:

Melkamu Hordofa Sigaye, Ashenafi Nigussei and Abreham Yacob. 2022. Effects of NPSB Blended and Urea Fertilizer Rates on Yield and Yield Components of Maize and Economic Productivity Under Andisols and Chernozemssoil Types.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 10(4): 110-118
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2022.1004.009
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