International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review
ISSN: 2347-3215 Volume 1 Number 4 (2013) pp. 27-29
Educational foundation in kalidasian age (with Special references to the works of K lid sa)
Debajyoti Jena*
Department of Sanskrit & Indian Culture, SCSVMV University, Enathur, Kanchipuram, India
In Abhij na kuntalam it is clearly observed that the two obedient students S rngarava and S radvata have accompanied akuntal towards Hastin by the command of their Guru Mahari Kava. At the king Duyanta s palace, when akuntal was refused by the king, these two iyas were not interested to bring back akuntal along with them as they were deployed by the Guru Kava to drop her. At the end they left akuntal and returned back to the heritage. From all these evidences, it is concluded that poet K lid sa has reflected the role of a teacher, duties of a student, relationship of a teacher and a student, characteristic of learning and its value etc, while narrating his dramas and K vyas. The above said educational elements took a prominent place in his writings and proved poet K lid sa as eminent educationist.
Abhij na kuntalam; S rngarava and S radvata; Guru Ka va.