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Publishing Policy

Conflicts of Interest Policy

International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review (IJCRAR)

Introduction: A conflict of interest (COI) can arise when there's a divergence between an individual's private interests and professional responsibilities in a way that could compromise the integrity of research. Adhering to the guidelines set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review (IJCRAR) provides the following policy to address and manage conflicts of interest.

1. Definition:

  1.1. A conflict of interest in the context of scientific research and publishing refers to situations in which financial or other personal considerations might compromise, or have the appearance of compromising, professional judgment in conducting or publishing research.

2. Responsibilities of Authors:

  2.1. Disclosure at Submission: Authors must disclose any financial, personal, or professional relationships that could be construed as a conflict of interest at the time of manuscript submission.

  2.2. Transparency: Authors should provide details about funding sources, affiliations, or any other situations that might raise questions about the impartiality of the research.

3. Responsibilities of Reviewers:

  3.1. Declaration: Reviewers must disclose to editors any COI that could bias their opinion of a manuscript.

  3.2. Withdrawal: If a reviewer feels they cannot provide an unbiased review due to a COI, they must decline the review invitation.

4. Responsibilities of Editors:

  4.1. Impartial Evaluation: Editors must consider declared COIs when making editorial decisions, ensuring manuscripts are evaluated solely based on academic merit.

  4.2. Recusal: Editors with potential COIs related to any manuscript under consideration must recuse themselves from handling that manuscript.

5. Management of COIs:

  5.1. Editorial Decision-making: Manuscripts submitted by editors or board members of IJCRAR will be handled by an independent editorial process, ensuring unbiased review and decision-making.

  5.2. Public Disclosure: Any declared COI related to an accepted manuscript will be published alongside the article to ensure readers are aware of potential biases.

6. Financial Conflicts:

  6.1. Authors, reviewers, and editors must declare any financial interests – shares in companies, funding, or other monetary relationships – that could influence or appear to influence their work.

7. Non-financial Conflicts:

  7.1. Personal relationships, affiliations, or any other non-financial interests that could be perceived to influence the research should also be declared.

8. Reporting Potential Conflicts:

  8.1. If third parties raise concerns about potential undisclosed COIs, IJCRAR will investigate the claims and take necessary action, which might include publishing corrections or retractions.

Conclusion: Ensuring transparency and managing potential conflicts of interest are crucial to maintaining the credibility and integrity of the scientific record. IJCRAR remains committed to implementing rigorous COI policies and expects all stakeholders in the publishing process to uphold the same standards.

Note: This policy will be updated periodically in alignment with COPE recommendations and emerging best practices in scientific publishing.

National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS)
NAAS Score: *3.92 (2024)
[Effective from January 1, 2024]
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ICI Journals Master List 2016
IJCRAR--ICV 2016: 81.15
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