Editorial Policy
Manuscript Withdrawal Policy
Manuscript Withdrawal Policy per COPE Guidelines:
At the International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review (IJCRAR), we understand that circumstances may arise in which authors may need to withdraw their submitted manuscripts. To ensure transparency and maintain the integrity of the publication process, we have established the following guidelines for manuscript withdrawal, in accordance with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):
- Author Responsibilities:
- Authors who wish to withdraw their manuscripts must notify the Editor-in-Chief or the editorial office in writing, clearly stating their reasons for withdrawal. The notification should come from the corresponding author or a designated representative of all co-authors.
- If a manuscript has multiple authors, the consent of all authors is required for withdrawal. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that all co-authors are in agreement with the withdrawal.
- Withdrawal requests should be submitted as soon as possible after the decision to withdraw has been made, preferably before the formal peer review process has begun.
- Editorial Review Stage:
- If a manuscript is withdrawn during the editorial review stage, after it has been assigned to reviewers, the editor will consider the request for withdrawal. The withdrawal request will be evaluated in consultation with the reviewers and editorial board members, taking into account the reasons provided by the authors.
- If the withdrawal request is approved, the manuscript will be withdrawn from further consideration and will not be published in IJCRAR. The withdrawal will be recorded internally for administrative purposes.
- Publication Stage:
- Once a manuscript has been accepted and is in the publication stage, the withdrawal process becomes more complex. In such cases, the authors are required to provide a strong justification for withdrawal, as it may affect the credibility and reputation of the journal.
- If a manuscript is withdrawn after acceptance but before publication, the authors must provide a written explanation to the Editor-in-Chief. The decision to allow withdrawal will be at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief, considering the reasons provided, potential impact on the journal's content, and any contractual obligations.
It is important to note that the withdrawal of a manuscript does not absolve authors from complying with ethical responsibilities regarding confidentiality, intellectual property rights, and potential conflicts of interest associated with the submitted work.
IJCRAR is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and transparency in the publication process. We appreciate the understanding and cooperation of authors in adhering to these guidelines for manuscript withdrawal.

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ICI Journals Master List 2016
IJCRAR--ICV 2016: 81.15
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